jeudi 12 février 2009

To tweet or not to tweet

So what is Twitter, that little icon we see alongside Facebook, Digg and all the others? Why is the world going Twitter crazy and do you know how to conjugate this world? Perhaps you have tweeted recently or are twooshing as I write this? Maybe you twitpic your images and tweet up regularly. If so, you're part of the twitterhood, this 'service to communicate and stay connected via short answers to the question 'What are you doing?' In other words, a micro blogging platform or network, like a continual feed version of Facebook's Status Update, open to the whole world. Ah, those magic words, network and connected, so this one surfs the zeitgeist of staying connected, creating communities and breaking down the lines between work and home. Now where have I heard that before? Still it's seductively addictive for news junkies. You can follow or be followed, it's asynchronous, although the latter thought is quite spooky. Shane Richmond has a good take on Twitter and takes you through the different steps. Before you raise your eyebrows, Twitter is the seventh most popular social network in the UK mainly due to the media attention it has gained via celebrity twitterers, such as President Barack Obama and Stephen Fry, who kept all amused twittering whilst stuck inside a broken lift inside London's landmark Centrepoint skyscraper. He even managed to twitpic an image of himself and fellow lift prisoners while fellow twitterers offered escape suggestions. I'm not twittering .... yet.

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As usual when I check the IMiM blog, I'm grinning. I've got an MIS course in Concordia and had to form groups and present a new technology, and guess what we chose? The most amazing thing is that we presented no latter than this Tuesday =)
Personally, at the moment I am more a fan of the Facebook Status bar, I guess because Facebook is much more spread in France and among my network. Yet, I might switch to Twitter soon, because Facebook presents many drawbacks. E.g., I'll soon be looking for a job, and I know companies are checking Facebook profiles. I've made my profile impossible to google and stuff, and de-tagged me of all "suspicious slash not serious at all" pictures, but still! I've heard crazy things about companies paying people to actually hack into one's Facebook account (rendering useless the "only visible by me" albums and private groups) and I do not know if it's true but I guess it could very well be... And with Twitter the info sent is more limites (at least for now) and more about what you're saying you're thinking and doing than physical proof of your last Tuesday's night activities...
Anyways, the synchronicity of this article with my student life put a smile upon my face this morning, well done =)