lundi 20 octobre 2008

Vive La Différence

There's a great line in the tv series, Star Trek where Bones says to Captain Kirk,  "It's life Jim, but not as we know it."  Some could say the same about life forms either sides of the Atlantic, others might just say it's the joys of intercultural management.   Political figures here in mainland Europe are not known for their ability to laugh at themselves, even less so for their ability to send themselves up.  This would appear to be a particularly anglo saxon characteristic.  For the last few weeks, NBC has been exploding its tv viewing figures with the highly amusing and highly (physically) accurate impersonation of Gov. Sarah Palin by actrice Tina Fey.  Click on Palin/Clinton if you wish to see one of the many jems with Tina's partner Amy as Hilary. However this weekend saw the final masterpiece; Tina meeting her nemesis when Sarah Palin, herself, turns up for the show.  Imim's Hocine saw it first, thanks for sending it on.   Either Gov. Palin is letting her backcombed and lacquered hair down or some savvy  PR's have advised her to reach out to the younger, more liberal generation. Either way, the rap is hilarious and shows politician's can be human too. Go Amy Go! 

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